Settings handled by our Shopify App
- AttributesForFaceting
- Sort Orders (Ranking and Sorting configurations for replicas created by the Algolia app for Shopify)
Attributes for Faceting
By default, the 'facets' configuration in our Shopify App handles the attributesForFaceting setting in the Algolia application.
Any changes on this configuration performed on the Algolia dashboard or using the API will be overridden by the configurations set on the Shopify App.
Shopify App:
Algolia Dashboard:
If you wanted to maintain your facet settings when configuring your facets in the Algolia dashboard instead of on Shopify, there is an option to prevent the default synchronisation functionality:
Sort Orders
When creating sort orders, behind the scenes our Shopify App will create a standard replica with the required configurations for the selected sort orders. For example replicas with the Sort order 'Cheapest first' will create an standard replica named as shopify_products_price_asc
Finally, our Shopify App will apply Ranking and Sorting configurations to this standard replica. These configurations are handled by the Shopify App.
Shopify App:
Algolia dashboard:
Settings in on your Algolia App will be overridden with the settings from the Shopify App in 2 scenarios:
- When you change settings of the sort order or facets in the Algolia app for Shopify
- When you run a full reindexing