Here are the definitions of the different options within the 'Out of stock items' setting:
- Show all out of stock items will not add any filters: any item that is in or out of stock will show up in the search.
Hide all out of stock items will add a filter on
inventory_quantity > 0
. This means the search will even hide items that are not tracked by Shopify if the stock for a product is recorded as 0. -
Hide all out of stock items - except those marked as available adds a filter on
inventory_available: true
The inventory_quantity
value is set at the Shopify level, and we just fetch and index the product data that Shopify returns.
If the inventory_quantity attribute is not reflecting the expected value, please refer to the following articles for more information:
[Shopify] Why do I have a negative number on my inventory_quantity attribute?
[Shopify] How does the track quantity configuration affect Algolia results?