Managing Results: FAQs
- Why is the Exact Words Count score 0 when my query exists in the record?
- Can I force a query to return no results?
- Facet counts not matching number of hits
- AroundLatLngViaIP incorrect location when using Wifi
- Why are searchable attributes with the same priority not influencing my results as expected?
- Why is a record that does not exist in my index, still appearing in my search results?
- Why do hyphenated words show different results?
- How to build a search for restaurants with their own delivery radius?
- Why are my pinned items not moving when I sort?
- Why don't my facet counts match the number of hits for attributes set to 'after distinct'?
- Indexing and Searching for Dimensions
- How much does Geo-searching cost?
- Can I use separate Search API keys when querying different indices?
- How do I handle relevancy for searches including measurement data (e.g. 6x12mm or 3' x 1')?
- Can I set a paginationLimitedTo value greater than 20,000?
- Why is Analytics normalizing special characters e.g. "é" becomes "e"?
- How can I search multiple indices using the Flutter library?
- Why can't I find the language I want to use in the index language settings?
- Should I use a standard replica or a virtual replica?
- How are results ranked in searchable facets?
- How can I retrieve more than 20,000 search results?
- Is transliteration from Cyrillic to Latin alphabet supported?
- Why does highlighting only work on the first few hits?
- Why am I getting significantly fewer records with an empty search?
- Can I use the `search multiple indices` method and display the combined/merged results?
- Why is matchedGeoLocation not returned when using insideBoundingBox?
- How to allow certain stop words?
- Why does my query return exhaustiveNbHits=true when I use the param facets=[*] in the query?
- Do alphabetical / lexicographical sorts follow a strict unicode order?
- Why am I getting the following error message: "Not allowed incomplete string at col"?