InstantSearch: General Guidance
- How should I set a filter using a Hierarchical facet when I am using a configure widget?
- Why are my facet values not being hidden?
- Why is my hierarchicalMenu not showing one of its levels in the UI?
- Why is my query with an ampersand ('&') being truncated?
- Can refinement lists operate as optionalFilters?
- Can hierarchicalMenu be searchable?
- How can I achieve the facetOrdering parameter behavior (as seen in React InstantSearch) in iOS or Android InstantSearch?
- Can I use multi-select on a numericMenu widget?
- How do I get more control of functionality in InstantSearch?
- Why does the searchParameters option of the instantsearch widget no longer work in Instant Search v4?
- Relative URLs in redirects
- Why is paginationLimitedTo not being forwarded to the virtual replicas?
- Why is the hierarchical menu not rendering N maxValuesPerFacet?
- How do I paginate with browse or browseObjects?
- Can I combine items from different indices with InstantSearch?
- Is there a limit on hitsPerPage?
- How to reproduce the refinementList behaviour when a facet is selected?
- How can I translate my refinementList widget labels?
- Searching from the front end or the back end? What do you recommend?
- Why am I getting "too many queries per second" error?
- Why doesn't pagination (nbPages + hitsPerPage) match nbHits?