- How do I clear the Autocomplete input text after page navigation?
- How can I change the breakpoints for Autocomplete's detached mode?
- How do I send Insights events when using CDNs?
- How do I link user queries in AutoComplete to a dedicated search page?
- Can I use tab to complete my AutoComplete query?
- How can I change the submit button icon in my AutoComplete search bar?
InstantSearch: General Guidance
- Why are my facet values not being hidden?
- Why is my hierarchicalMenu not showing one of its levels in the UI?
- Why is my query with an ampersand ('&') being truncated?
- Can refinement lists operate as optionalFilters?
- Can hierarchicalMenu be searchable?
- How can I achieve the facetOrdering parameter behavior (as seen in React InstantSearch) in iOS or Android InstantSearch?
InstantSearch: React InstantSearch V7
- How can I fix pagination scrolling up issue on React InstantSearch?
- Why am I encountering hydration errors or issues loading hits with InfiniteHits in Next.js?
- How can I set up stateMapping and custom routing logic with Next.js?
- Why isn't routing working with multi-index search?
- Do any React InstantSearch widgets trigger multiple requests on page load?
- How can I hide my filters without losing the applied refinements?
InstantSearch: React InstantSearch V6 (Deprecated)
InstantSearch: InstantSearch.js
- How should I address the "`instantsearch.highlight` function has been deprecated" console warning?
- Can you do a voice search in different languages?
- How can I mount a virtual search box with a CDN ?
- Why are some of my facet display facet values missing?
- How do I highlight or snippet an attribute that is an array of strings?
- Why is the URL of the HierarchicalMenu inconsistent with refinements applied?
InstantSearch: Angular InstantSearch
InstantSearch: Vue InstantSearch
InstantSearch: InstantSearch Android
- InstantSearch Android - How can I set up a banner?
- InstantSearch Android - Why are Insight events not appearing on my dashboard?
- InstantSearch Android - How can I see the logs for network requests and applied filters?
- InstantSearch Android - I am not seeing any results or errors when trying out InstantSearch, what can I do?
- InstantSearch Android - Why am I getting “JsonDecodingException” issues?
InstantSearch: InstantSearch iOS
- InstantSearch iOS - Why are Insight events not appearing on my dashboard?
- InstantSearch iOS - How can I setup a banner?
- InstantSearch iOS - I am not seeing any results or errors when trying out InstantSearch, what can I do?
- InstantSearch iOS - How can I apply filters only when the user clicks a button?
- InstantSearch iOS - Why aren’t my filters applied when modifying the filterState?
- InstantSearch iOS - How can I modify the query parameters?