If you’re in doubt whether an API calls has reached the Algolia servers, you can visit the dashboard and open the Search API logs tab in the Monitoring section. This tab lists all recent requests that the search API received in real time. It shows the full URL path of the request, the HTTP verb, the status of the request, and when it was received. You can hit the Pause button and navigate pages if you want to look at earlier entries without the list updating.
The status is green if the request was successful. An orange status means there’s an error in the request, which indicates something might be wrong with your implementation. The status is red when there was an error on Algolia’s side.
To debug, you need to find the call you were expecting to see. You can filter the list by cluster and request type. Requests can be either search requests or indexing operations. You can also filter all requests that resulted in an error. If you want to filter per index, you can go to the Indices section and open the index. In the Search API Logs tab you get the exact same table, but filtered on requests to that index only.
You can click on any entry to view more details on it.
The first part shows information like the IP address, the exact time the request was received, the processing time, the full URL, and the number of operations counted for billing purposes.
The second part shows the HTTP headers of the request and the content of both the requests and the response, truncated after a few hundred characters. This technical information might help you understand if your request has the correct form or if the engine returned when you expected.
If you need to check the API key, it can usually be found in the URL or request headers.