Counting InstantSearch operations
Our InstantSearch UI libraries cache all duplicate searches, reducing your search operation count. However, some widgets require two search operations per user input (e.g., the refinementList widget makes one search to get the refinement count, and one to perform the actual search).
Additional Resources:
For Indexing Operations: How does Algolia count indexing operations?
For Reindexing Operations: How does Algolia count reindexing operations?
For Sandbox Applications: How does Algolia count operations for sandbox applications?
For Recommend Requests: How is a recommend request calculated against my usage?
For InstantSearch Operations: How does Algolia count InstantSearch operations?
For Refinement Operations: How does Algolia count refinement operations?
For Replica Indices: How does Algolia count operations on replica indices?
For Maximum Queries Per Second: How does Algolia calculate the Maximum QPS (Queries Per Second)?