A Recommend request is triggered when a Recommend API call is performed to retrieve a list of recommendations for a specific item.
Multiple Recommend requests can be batched within a single Recommend API call to improve network latency. However, your usage will be calculated based on the amount of recommend requests that are batched within each call.
For example:
Every time you request recommendations for a given objectID
that counts as a chargeable request. This is regardless of how those requests are bundled into API calls:
5 x API calls, each for a single
= 5 chargeable requests. -
1 x API call, containing 5 requests for recommendations = 5 chargeable requests.
You can read more on the Recommend API here.
Additional Resources:
For Indexing Operations: How does Algolia count indexing operations?
For Reindexing Operations: How does Algolia count reindexing operations?
For Sandbox Applications: How does Algolia count operations for sandbox applications?
For Recommend Requests: How is a recommend request calculated against my usage?
For InstantSearch Operations: How does Algolia count InstantSearch operations?
For Refinement Operations: How does Algolia count refinement operations?
For Replica Indices: How does Algolia count operations on replica indices?
For Maximum Queries Per Second: How does Algolia calculate the Maximum QPS (Queries Per Second)?