There are several reasons why you might see a records usage spike in the Monitoring tab of your dashboard:
1. You are updating your records using the method replaceAllObjects.
This method creates a temporary index that can significantly increase your record count.
2. You are currently using Standard Replicas that “replicate” or copy the primary index’s records.
3. You have used Standard Replicas to “replicate” one of your indices and then you have added new records to your primary index. Adding new records to your primary index increases the records count of your replicas index.
4. You are using the Magento extension and you use indexing queue to send updates to products, categories, pages, and other data to Algolia’s servers asynchronously. This process creates temporary indices that produce record fluctuations.
5. You have subscribed an Algolia Committed plan and you see an abnormal record usage. This is because the number of records is being calculated for the entire year instead of just one month.