The Algolia legacy Free Plan allows you to use 10 'units' a month which includes 10,000 records and 10,000 search operations (1,000 = 1 unit).
If you are a self-serve user and you'd like to switch your paid plan to free then you'll first need to reduce the number of records on your application to be at or below 10,000.
You can remove your records following one of these methods:
- Remove objects from an index using their objectID
- Remove all objects matching a filter (including geo filters)
- Select 'Clear' from the 'Manage Index' dropdown. This will clear all the records in your index, but will leave configuration settings intact:
Once you have removed the additional records, you'll be able to switch your plan to Free from the billing page of the dashboard. The new plan will be effective starting from the new billing cycle.