When you recrawl and get the following error: SafeReindexingError: [chain] Blocking error: The difference between the number of records: from : 585 to : 0 is too large (100 %), this limit can be modified in the Editor (currently 10%
You need to use the URL Inspector and Monitoring tabs to debug your crawl. If one URL was discovered and it was skipped by the crawler, you will see the following message if you inspect the URL :
"SafeReindexingError: [chain] Blocking error: The difference between the number of records: from : 585 to : 0 is too large (100 %), this limit can be modified in the Editor (currently 10%)"
This means that the page had a canonical URL, which was skipped for this reason: "url_will_not_match_config". Basically, the page redirects to another URL which is not handled by the crawler configuration (i.e. doesn’t match any pathsToMatch).
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