If your search does not yield any results and there is no error in your browser developer tools, there might be an issue with your index.
Make sure that:
- Your Crawler config matches your website structure
We provide config templates for many website generators, but you can also use them as a base. To debug your selectors, we recommend using the URL tester.
- Your index settings are up to date (you'll see a banner in the search preview if not)
The Crawler only appliesindex settings
at index creation index to keep the Algolia dashboard as the source of truth. If you have drastically changed your config or moved to a website generator, we recommend you to delete your index from the Algolia dashboard before starting a new crawl.
The free DocSearch plan, doesn't include technical web support from the Support team. For further assistance, you can post your question on the Algolia Community Forum or Discord. For front-end issues, you can raise the issue directly on GitHub. In addition, you can review our DocSearch Documentation and FAQ.